So Tacoma is a neighborhood Blog designed to share just a few of the many treasures that lay buried in the soil, along the streets or in the memories of the folks of South Tacoma

Oak Tree Mystery

Oak Tree Mystery

Snow changes everything - the landscape, traffic and school. With the kids out of school we layered up like kids in a Christmas Story and headed outside. Like a magnet, we found ourselves drawn to Oak Tree Park. Blanketed in white the park looked mystical, magical and, as it turns out, a bit mysterious. As we traipsed the trails we began to notice boxes on trees. The bright blues of the boxes were unavoidable against the white forest canvas. Closer inspection revealed them to be unique hand painted beauties. We began to count but lost track after a dozen. Who built and painted these boxes? Who installed them? And, are those who created these boxes also responsible for the Dr. Seuss like blue trunk tree that stands adjacent to the Flume Line Trail? So many mysteries. So much beauty. If you have answers or comments on either of these, please let me know.

Wapato Hills Wakeup

Wapato Hills Wakeup